- S. Woo, H. Boo, S. Chirayath, K. Jeong, M. Fuhrmann, "Investigations on Detecting Potential Nuclear Material Diversion from a Pyroprocessing Facility", presented at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, 1-2 May 2018.
- S. Chirayath, "Panel on Challenges for Human Resource Development", The International Forum on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security: Strengthening Nuclear Terrorism Countermeasures and Human Resource Development towards the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Tokyo, Japan, December 7, 2017.
- S. Woo, "Can Pyroprocessing Reduce Proliferation Risk of a Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle", Stanton Nuclear Security Seminar, Washington, D.C., U.S.A, 18-20 October 2017.
- S. Chirayath, "Small Modular Reactor Deployment: Current Status of Reactor Designs, NRC Licensing and Economics", Invited Lecture to the IAEA-Country Delegation hosted by TEES-Nuclear Power Institute, October 11 2017.
- T. Aoki, H. Sagara, S.S. Chirayath, "Feasibility Study of TRISO Fuel for Efficient Pu Incineration and 3S Feature Enhancement Requirements for Measurement Accuracy of the Pu Verification Technique", †38th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japanese Chapter, Japan, October, 2017.
- S. Chirayath, "Nuclear Security Education, Research and Training at Texas A&M University", Invited Speaker at the Workshop on Industry View to Nuclear Security/Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Managementâ€, May 9-11, 2017, Bucharest, Romania.
- S. Chirayath, "Nuclear Security Education and Training in Texas A&M University", The 7th International Symposium and Seminar on Global Nuclear Human Resource Development for Safety, Security and Safeguards, August 28 - September 1, 2017. Tokyo, Japan.
- S. Chirayath, "Target Identification in Nuclear Facilities and Insider Threat Challenges", Invited Speaker at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, India, 31 May 2017.
- Jonathan D. Burns, Bruce A. Moyer, "Co-Crystallization of AnO22+ with UO2(NO3)2•6H2O: Next Steps", Sigma Team for Advanced Actinide Recycle Research Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, May 24, 2017.
- S. Chirayath, "Small Modular Reactor Deployment: Current Status of Reactor Designs, NRC Licensing and Economics", Invited Lecture to the IAEA-Kenyan Delegation hosted by TEES-Nuclear Power Institute, May 22 2017.
- J. D. Burns, B. A. Moyer, "Actinyl Group Precipitation", Materials Recovery & Waste Forms Development Campaign Working Group Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, United States, 28-30 March 2017.
- Y. Aoki, H. Sagara, and S.S. Chirayath, "Impact of Curium Decontamination on MUF and MUF-uncertainty in TRU Fuel Cycle Employing High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors", 38th 2017 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokai University Campus, Japan, March 27-29, 2017.
- B. Moyer, J.D. Burns, "Actinyl Co-Crystallization", DOE-JAEA Bilateral Advanced Separations Working Group Meeting, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, 22-24 March 2017.
- S.S. Chirayath, C.M. Marianno, K.H. Ragusa, K.L. Peddicord, "Preparing the Next Generation of Nuclear Security Professionals - The Technology/Policy Nexus", International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions, Vienna, Austria, 5-9 December 2016.
- E. Kitcher, "Introduction to Small Modular Reactors", Invited lecture to the IAEA Group Fellowship Training hosted by the Nuclear Power Institute, College Station, TX, 13 October 2016.
- S.S. Chirayath, C.M. Marianno, C.A. Gariazzo, K.H. Ragusa, "Ten years of Nuclear Security Education, Research and Training at Texas A&M University", ANS Topical Meeting: Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference (ANTPC), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 25-30 September 2016.
- T.W Jacomb-Hood, C. M. Marianno, B. A. Van Devender, J. E. Fast, "Ultra-high Rate Gamma Spectroscopy for Post-detonation Nuclear Forensics", National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center Annual Academic-Laboratory Collaboration and Technical Advancement Program Review. Los Alamos, NM. August 1st-4th, 2016.
- J.M. Osborn, S.S. Chirayath, "Assessment of Inverse Techniques Used in Forensics Attribution Analysis of Trace Nuclide Ratios in Weapons-Grade Plutonium", 9th Annual DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, July 11-14, 2016.
- J.D. Burns, B.A. Moyer, "Co-Crystallization of AnO22+ with UO2(NO3)2•6H2O: What’s Next", Sigma Team for Advanced Actinide Recycle Research Meeting, San Diego, CA, 25 May 2016.
- L. Dromgoole, C.M. Marianno, J. Poston, "Preliminary Dose Assessment for Emergency Response Exercise Using Unsealed Contamination", 2016 South Texas Chapter of the Health Physics Society (STC-HPS) Student Presentation and Annual Business Meeting, Bryan, Texas, 16 April 2016.
- J. Trevino and C.M. Marianno, "Dosimetry for Search and Rescue dogs in Contaminated Environments", 2016 South Texas Chapter of the Health Physics Society (STC-HPS) Student Presentation and Annual Business Meeting, Bryan, Texas, 16 April 2016.
- T.W. Jacomb-Hood, C.M. Marianno, J.E. Fast, B.A. Van Devender, "An Overview of the Ultra-high Rate Germanium Detector", 2016 South Texas Chapter of the Health Physics Society (STC-HPS) Student Presentation and Annual Business Meeting, Bryan, Texas, 16 April 2016.
- J.D. Burns, B.A. Moyer, "Actinyl group precipitation", Materials Recovery & Waste Forms Development Campaign Working Group Meeting, Richland, WA, United States, 22-24 March 2016.
- S. Chirayath, "Nuclear Security Education at Texas A&M University", 5th International Symposium and Seminar on Global Nuclear Human Resource Development for Safety, Security, and Safeguards, 21 February - 3 March, 2016, Tokyo, Japan. (Invited)
- R. MacNamee, "The 5W’s of Terrorism", 5th International Symposium and Seminar on Global Nuclear Human Resource Development for Safety, Security, and Safeguards, 21 February - 3 March, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
- C.M. Marianno, C. Arnett, "TAMU Texas Engineering Extension Service at the Disaster City & The Emergency Operations Training Center", 5th International Symposium and Seminar on Global Nuclear Human Resource Development for Safety, Security, and Safeguards, 21 February - 3 March, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
- M.W. Swinney et al., "Experimental and computational assessment of nuclide ratios in weapons-grade plutonium produced in a fast neutron environment for nuclear forensics analysis", 8th Annual DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, July 7-9, 2015.
- J.M. Osborn et al., "Trace fission product ratios for nuclear forensics attribution of weapons-grade plutonium separate from fuel irradiated in thermal and fast reactor types", 8th Annual DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, July 7-9, 2015.
- S.S. Chirayath, C.M. Folden, III, and D.R. Boyle, "Nuclear forensics analysis of separated plutonium of foreign fuel cycles (NFASP) project: assessment of unique trace elements and isotope ratios in separated plutonium from low burnup nuclear fuel", 8th DNDO-ARI Grantees Conference, University of Texas, Dallas, TX, USA, July 7-9, (2015).
- S. Chirayath, "Safeguards Issues and Recommendations for a Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle", 18th Annual Meeting of the Korea chapter of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), Daejeon, South Korea, November 13, 2014 (invited).
- S.S. Chirayath, R.A. Elmore, W.S. Charlton, "Containment and Surveillance and Physical Protection Updates for Proliferation Resistance Analysis Using PRAETOR", IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards, Vienna, Austria, October 20-24, 2014.
- M.W. Swinney and S.S. Chirayath, "Comparison of FBR and HFIR monte-carlo simulations with validation from gamma spectroscopy in support of the the NFASP project", 7th Annual NSF-DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Leesburg, VA, USA, June 24-26, 2014.
- S.S. Chirayath, "Nuclear forensics analysis of separated plutonium of foreign fuel cycles (NFASP) project: assessment of unique trace elements and isotope ratios in separated plutonium from low burnup nuclear fuel", 7th Annual NSF-DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Leesburg, VA, USA, June 24-26, 2014.
- J.M. Osborn et al., "Trace fission product ratios for nuclear forensics attribution of weapons-grade plutonium separate from fuel irradiated in thermal and fast reactor types", 7th Annual NSF-DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Leesburg, VA, USA, June 24-26, 2014.
- S.S. Chirayath, D.R. Boyle, C.M. Folden III, "Experimental and Computational Assessment of Unique Trace Elements and Isotopes Ratios in Plutonium from Depleted Uranium Irradiated in Fast Reactor Blankets", 7th DNDO-ARI Grantees Conference, Leesburg, VA, USA, June 2014.
- J.F. Trevino, C.M. Marianno, J. Poston, "Dose Reconstruction and Estimation to Search and Rescue Dogs Following an RDD Explosion", South Texas Chapter of the Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, College Station, Tx, March, 2014
- M.D. Shah, C. Marianno, and S. Khatri, "Integrated Circuits Replacing PMTs", 2014 STC-HPS Student Presentations and Annual Business Screening Meeting, College Station, Texas, 29 March 2014.
- J. Erchinger, C. Marianno, and A. Herring, "Development of a Specialized Radiation Portal Monitor for Livestock Screening", 2014 STC-HPS Student Presentations and Annual Business Screening Meeting, College Station, Texas, 29 March 2014.
- S.S. Chirayath et al., "Plutonium fingerprinting for forensics (PuFF) project: assessment of unique trace elements and isotope ratios in separate plutonium from low burnup nuclear fuel", 6th Annual NSF-DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Lansdowne, VA, USA, July 30-31 & August 1, 2013.
- J.M. Osborn et al., "Isotopic analysis of fast breeder reactor core to support the plutonium fingerprinting for forensics (PuFF) project", 6th Annual NSF-DNDO Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Review Meeting, Lansdowne, VA, USA, July 30-31 & August 1, 2013.
- J.M. Osborn, T.M. Coles, AR. Twaddle, and S.S. Chirayath, "Neutronics Analysis of Fast Breeder Reactor Core to Support the Plutonium Fingerprinting for Forensics (PuFF) Project", 5th Annual DNDO-NSF ARI Grantees Conference, Leesburg, Virginia, 23-25 July 2012.
- P. Beeley, B.K. Kim, A. Williams, F. Ghanbari, A. Mohagheghi, D. Boyle, and M. Schuller, "A 3S Framework for Development of the Gulf Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Institute (GNEII)", Technical Workshop on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development: Managing the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Plants Vienna, Austria, 24-27 January 2012
- G.M. Gaukler, "“Science of Better†podcast on nuclear smuggling interdiction", INFORMS, http://www.scienceofbetter.org/podcast/gaukler.html, November 2011.
- W. S. Charlton, W. Bangerth, D. R. Boyle, S. S. Chirayath, G. Gaukler, C. Marianno, A. Vedlitz, "SHIELD: A Framework for Evaluating and Guiding Nuclear Detection System Development", The 4th annual Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) Academic Research Initiative (ARI) Grantees Conference, Alexandria, Virginia, April 26-28, 2011.
- P. Kuchment, "Detecting Small Low Emission Sources on a Large Random Background: Inverse Problems", Seminar Presentation: February 2, 2011.
- G.M. Gaukler, "A Framework for Modeling the Detection of Smuggled Nuclear Materials", Presentation at the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, Jan 10, 2011.
- G. Kanschat, "Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Diffusion-Dominated Radiative Transfer Problems", Presentation at Advances in Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing, University of Houston, 2011.
- P. Kuchment, "Detection of small low emission sources on a large random background", Inverse Transport Theory and Tomography Workshop, Banff, Canada, 16-21 May, 2010.
- S. Chirayath et al, "Multi-Attribute Utility Analysis for Proliferation Resistance Assessment", presentation at the INMM Workshop on Proliferation Assessments, Texas A&M University, College Station, February, 23-25, 2010.
- P. Nelson, "Indo-US Civil Nuclear Energy: Building Mutual Confidence Through Research-Exchange Internships", presented to Third Meeting of the Indo-US Civil Nuclear Energy Working Group, Mumbai, India, February 3, 2010.
- G.M. Gaukler, "Detecting Nuclear Materials Smuggling: Using Radiography to Improve Container Inspection Policies", Parsons Seminar Series, Texas A&M University, September 21, 2009.
- Y. Ding, "Modeling Framework for Detecting HEU in Seaborne Containers", Presented at the University of Southern California, on February 19, 2009.
- Y. Ding, "Modeling Framework for Detecting HEU in Seaborne Containers", Presented at the University of Texas at Austin, on February 13, 2009.
- G.M. Gaukler, "Modeling Framework for Detecting HEU in Seaborne Containers", DIMACS Workshop on Port Security, Rutgers University, November 17, 2008.
- G.M. Gaukler, "A Framework for Developing Novel Detection Systems Focused on Interdicting Shielded HEU", DIMACS Workshop on Nuclear Detection Issues, Rutgers University, November 19, 2008.