NSSPI students have unique opportunities for research, education and professional development. NSSPI students participate in foreign field experiences, present their research results in national and international forums, and have premier internship opportunities at national laboratories.
NSSPI faculty and students established at Texas A&M the first student chapter of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM). Students working on NSSPI-sponsored projects also are members of both the Student INMM chapter and the International INMM chapter. As members of the organization, our students have opportunities to present research projects, publish articles and immerse themselves in the professional nuclear nonproliferation culture supported by laboratories and governments around the world. See a directory of our NSSPI graduates.
Degrees Earned by NSSPI Students* by Year
*NSSPI students are students who were advised by NSSPI faculty members. NSSPI has supported students in many other research groups and departments, as is partly reflected in the list of theses and dissertations.
Student News
- NSSPI student investigates applying uncertainty quantification to nuclear fuel burnup calculations - Safeguards monitoring ensures that nuclear technologies can be employed for peaceful uses without fear of nuclear materials being diverted to nefarious purposes. Nuclear forensics techniques are used to discriminate the origins of nuclear material found outside of regulatory control. Both of these fields depend upon extremely accurate estimations of concentrations of actinides and fission products […]
- NSSPI and ANL Conduct International Nuclear Facilities Experience in South Korea - From April 26 through May 4, a group of U.S. graduate students studying nuclear material safeguards and nonproliferation joined early career professionals from several U.S. National Laboratories on a tour of nuclear fuel cycle facilities in South Korea. Organized by the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives (NSSPI) at Texas A&M University and […]
- NSSPI Student Investigates the Use of Silicon Photomultipliers on Large-Volume PVT Scintillator Detectors - Radiation Portal Monitors are important tools in the effort to prevent the smuggling of radioactive materials. By scanning vehicles, cargo, and even individuals, radiation portal monitors can swiftly detect and alert authorities to potentially dangerous materials, thereby enhancing national security and preventing the unauthorized transportation of hazardous items. These systems, typically installed at strategic points […]