The Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Security is an official Texas A&M University certificate program that focuses on providing students a solid understanding of the policy and technical aspects behind nuclear security, safeguards and nonproliferation. This multidisciplinary program has courses both in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and at the Bush School of Government and Public Service. Upon completion of this program, students are uniquely qualified for positions in the federal government, national laboratories, and at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Certificate Requirements
To qualify for this certificate, students must complete 12 semester credit hours (SCH) of coursework selected from the following list:
Course Number | Course Name (Must take 4 of the 5 courses listed) | SCH |
NUEN 451 | Nuclear Security System Design | 3 |
NUEN 605 | Radiation Detection and Nuclear Materials Measurement | 3 |
NUEN 650 | Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control | 3 |
NUEN 651 | Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Nuclear Material Safeguards | 3 |
INTA 669 | Nuclear Terrorism Threat Assessment and Analysis | 3 |
INTA 617 | Deterrence and Coercion | 3 |