Introduction to Nuclear Safeguards and Security
This module is an introduction to the terms and concepts related to nuclear security and safeguards.
Easy introductory course that requires no prior knowledge

Containment and Surveillance
Learn about containment and surveillance as used in nuclear safeguards.
Easy introductory course that requires no prior knowledge

Nuclear Material Accountancy
This course covers the basics of nuclear material accountancy for nuclear safeguards
Intermediate course that requires some prior knowledge or at least one prerequisite course

Spent Fuel Safeguards
Learn about the characteristics of spent (or used) nuclear fuel and the methods used to safeguard it.
Moderate course that requires technical knowledge and has prerequisite courses.

Uranium Enrichment Safeguards
Learn about the methods used to safeguard uranium enrichment facilities.
Moderate course that requires technical knowledge and has prerequisite courses.
Applied Statistics for Safeguards
Learn about the different types of statistical analysis used in nuclear safeguards.
Moderate course that requires technical knowledge and has prerequisite courses.