S.S. Chirayath, C.M. Marianno, C.A. Gariazzo, K.H. Ragusa, “Ten years of Nuclear Security Education, Research and Training at Texas A&M University”, ANS Topical Meeting: Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference (ANTPC), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 25-30 September 2016.
The Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute (NSSPI) is a multidisciplinary organization at Texas A&M University administered by the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES). NSSPI was established in March 2006 to promote graduate-level research based education by focusing on topics related to nuclear material safeguards and security. NSSPI’s mission is (a) to employ science, engineering and policy expertise to conduct research and development to help detect, prevent and reverse nuclear and radiological proliferation and guards against nuclear terrorism, (b) educate the next generation of nuclear security leaders, (c) analyze the interrelationship between policy and technology in the field of nuclear security, and (d) serve as a public resource of knowledge and skills to reduce nuclear threats. NSSPI combines the talent of internationally recognized researchers from the US1’s largest nuclear engineering department at Texas A&M with renowned policy expertise from Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government and Public Service. This team brings unique capabilities to bear on complex nuclear threats and proliferation challenges involving both policy and technology. NSSPI works in collaboration with US national laboratories, the IAEA and other partners to address the problems associated with the malicious use of nuclear materials and to study the policy issues related to nuclear security.