NSSPI students and staff traveled to the Labor Spiez in Switzerland from July 25-27 for the Russian Academic Program in Nonproliferation and International Security (RAP-NIS) Student Research Symposium. The Student Research Symposium allows students from the US and Russia to share their graduate research and build professional relationships. NSSPI students Roushan Ghanbari and Travis Gitau joined students from Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPhI) and the Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering (IATE), both institutes of the Russian National Research Nuclear University (NRNU).
The students presented projects funded by the US Department of Energy’s Nuclear Safeguards and Engagement Program (INSEP) to an audience of fellow participants, representatives of their respective institutes, RAP-NIS coordinators, and a representative from the EURATOM Joint Research Center (JRC) of Ispra, Italy, who was present to give an outside perspective on the students’ research projects. The symposium also included a site visit to the PROTEUS reactor at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and a tour of nuclear experimental facilities at the Labor Spiez.
Pictured (from left to right): Dmitry Klinov (IATE), Peter Hardegger (PSI), Travis Gitau (TAMU), William Charlton (TAMU), Irina Vorobieva (IATE), Lee Peddicord (TAMU), Ivan Andryushin (IATE), Sergey Tikhonov (MEPhI), Evgeny Varseev (IATE), Roushan Ghanbari (TAMU), Juliana Semenova (MEPhI), Victor Bolyatko (MEPhI), Claudio Gariazzo (TAMU), Domenico Paladino (PSI), Nikolai Geraskin (MEPhI)