From May 14 through 16, the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives (NSSPI) collaborated with Sandia and Oak Ridge National Laboratories to provide technical support for a workshop titled “Incorporating both Technical and Human Elements to Reduce Hazards and Vulnerabilities in Sensitive Facilities” organized by the Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) in Gandhinagar, India. The workshop, sponsored by the US Department of State’s Partnership for Nuclear Threat Reduction, brought together personnel to share ideas and exchange best practices on assessing hazards and vulnerabilities to safe and secure operations of sensitive facilities, the impact good safety and security culture can provide, and development of good practices as an important element in overall security.

The 48 Indian participants represented various private and public universities, research institutes, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, and other governmental agencies. NSSPI Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor of nuclear engineering Dr. Shaheen Dewji spoke on “Applying Mitigations: Safety versus Security” and addressed the relation between nuclear safety and nuclear security and the need to develop a strong culture in both areas.