The Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives recently conducted a workshop on the policy and technical fundamentals of nuclear safeguards in conjunction with the 2023 Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) / European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA) joint annual meeting in Vienna, Austria. The workshop consisted of both an online certification and an in-person series of lectures by safeguards experts with over 50 participants attending the workshop in person. NSSPI Director Dr. Sunil Chirayath moderated the in-person session.

The session in Vienna began with a presentation on safeguards-by-design and preparing for advanced reactors and fuel cycle facilities by Jeremy Whitlock, who is a Section Head in the Department of Safeguards at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This was followed by a discussion by Laura Rockwood of the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation on the impact of Additional Protocols implementation from a State’s perspective. Katie Spence of the IAEA’s Division of Safeguards Information Management then presented on the analysis of safeguards-relevant information. William Janssens of the European Commission followed with a presentation on the role of regional safeguards agreements with respect to research and development for nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation with a focus on the role of Euratom safeguards. The final presentation was an overview of the safeguards implementation process prepared by Susan Pickett, head of the IAEA Safeguards Training Section, and delivered by her colleague Jessica Rahim.

The workshop was intended to provide a solid foundation in international safeguards concepts for students, young professionals, and anyone looking to enter the field. Participants seeking certification could complete a series of online course modules on safeguards topics through the Nuclear Security and Safeguards Education Portal (NSSEP) prior to the in-person workshop.
In addition to the workshop, NSSPI students, staff, and faculty presented nine papers and two posters at the meeting. NSSPI graduate student Melis Yildiz Sakarya was the winner of the popular student poster award for the poster session.