The TEES Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute (NSSPI), along with the U.S. State Department’s Partnership for Nuclear Security, hosted a train-the-trainer workshop in Cape Town, South Africa from September 20 through 22. Dr. Sunil Chirayath, director of NSSPI and research assistant professor in the Texas A&M University Department of Nuclear Engineering, and Dr. Craig Marianno, NSSPI deputy director and assistant professor of nuclear engineering, lectured at the workshop.
The focus of this workshop was to provide instructors from nine different countries with the means to develop nuclear security training curricula for a professional workforce. The 24 workshop attendees represented universities, utilities, and regulators from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Turkey, and the U.S. Subject matter experts from India, Nigeria, and the U.S. presented lectures, case studies, and exercises in several areas, including: general nuclear security, insider threat, nuclear security risk, nuclear material control and accountancy, and human reliability programs.