B. Wellons, “Development of RadSigPro – An Open Source Code for Fast and Real Time Radiation Detection”, M.S. Thesis, Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2022).
In this work, an open source code RadSigPro 1.0 is developed and used for fast processing of nanosecond long pulses from scintillation detectors. The pulse processing and identification involves pulse height distribution (PHD), pulse shape discrimination (PSD), and time-of-flight (TOF). For the goal of better particle segregation, processed particle waveforms are supplied torntest machine learning techniques along with TOF labeled neutrons and gamma-rays to train the data. The code is used to model the programmable logic design of an field programmable gate arrayrn(FPGA) design for on-the-fly processing of neutron and gamma-ray pulses, along with testing the results. Finally, a comparison between CAEN’s CoMPASS Data Acquisition (DAQ) Software and RadSigPro’s resulting tallies is attempted.