From December 5-9, 2011, NSSPI Director Dr. William Charlton traveled to Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia to participate in the “International Workshop on Safeguards Curriculum Development at the National University of Malaysia (UKM).” The objective of the workshop was for experts from the US and the Republic of Korea to provide an initial consultation to the Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) and UKM on safeguards curriculum development as part of the planned Safety, Safeguards and Security (3S) program at UKM. UKM hopes to become a hub of 3S training in the region, both for Malaysian and international students, and is looking to established programs in the US and Korea for models and program development support.
Other participants in the workshop included representatives from the US Department of Energy’s INSEP program, the University of Tennessee, and two Korean universities (Seoul National University and Yonsei University). The participants all gave presentations on their respective programs and discussed their practical experiences and “lessons learned” through the process of developing a university safeguards education program. Plans for student and professional exchanges, as well as research collaborations, between UKM and the US and Korean universities were also discussed.
(Pictured, from left to right, first row: Hamrah Mohd Ali, Redzuwan Yahaya, Howard Hall, Kwan Kyo Choe, Oksana Elkhamri, Noramly Muslim, Monalija Nostor, Ajin Choi, Il Soon Hwang; second row: Faeiza Ali, Irman Abdul Rahman, William S. Charlton, Shahidan Radiman, Shamsuddin Suhor, Young A. Suh; Third row: Mohd Firdaus Md Shah, Min Soo Kim, Manna Mashar, Muhamad Samudi Yasir, and Andrew Yeoh)