A. Kumar, S.S. Chirayath, and P.V. Tsvetkov, “Analysis of a Sustainable Gas Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor Concept”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 69 (2014).
Analysis of a thorium fueled gas cooled fastrnbreeder reactor (TGFBR) concept has been done to demonstrate thernself-sustainability, breeding capability, actinide recyclingrnability, and thorium fuel feasibility. Simultaneous usernof 232Th and used fuel from light water reactor inrnthe core has been considered. Results obtained confirm the corernneutron spectrum dominates in an intermediate energy range (peak atrn100 keV) similar to that seen in a fast breeder reactor. Thernconceptual design achieves a breeding ratio of 1.034 and an averagernfuel burn-up of 74.5