The ability of inspection agencies and facility operators to measure mixed oxide actinide powders is becoming increasingly necessary as reprocessing spent nuclear fuel becomes more attractive. The objective of this project is to develop a technique for verifying the bulk oxide masses from the reprocessing method Uranium Extraction (UREX+3a), in particular the product material from the Neptunium Plutonium Extraction (NPEX) separations stream which contains U, Np, and Pu. In additions to measuring UREX+3a products, a methodology to verify other bulk oxide materials containing up to four different actinides will be developed. Technical Approach:
- Measure actinide powders using a combination of passive, active (AmLi), and active (AmBe) techniques
- Analyze detector singles using modified multiplicity list mode software.
- Determine masses of different actinide isotopes based off their nuclear properties and known isotopic ratios
- Verify method using MCNPX models
- Verify MCNPX models using measured oxide actinide data from Active Well Coincidence Counter detectors
AWCC detector at ORNL
Associated Publications:
- B. Goddard, "Real-Time Detection of UREX+3a Extraction Streams for Materials Accountancy", M.S. Thesis, Texas A & M University, December 2009.
- B. Goddard, W.S. Charlton, S.M McDeavitt, "Real-Time Detection of UREX+3a Extraction Streams for Materials Accountancy", 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Tucson, AZ, July 12-15, 2009.