INMM-Texas A&M Student Chapter: Pebble Bed and TRISO-Fueled Reactors Nonproliferation Workshop | February 3-6, 2025 | Zachry Engineering Education Complex | Texas A&M University | College Station, TX
Points of Contact:
Kelley Ragusa
[email protected] | Cell/Whatsapp: +1 979 204 2448
Thomas DeGuire
[email protected]
Getting There:
Map of the area around the Zachry Engineering Education Complex
Parking Garage at Polo Road (paid parking open to the public near the Zachry building) – Map | Information
Map/Emergency Information for the Zachry Chevron rooms (Rooms 299, 298, 299):
If you enter the Zachry Building from the East Entrance (facing the parking garage), the Chevron rooms and Atrium are directly in front of you and to the right (Room 297 is our main workshop room). This entrance is shown on the right of the map, above.
If you enter the Zachry Building from the South Entrance (Welcome center), you will need to either take the elevator to Floor 2 or walk to the learning stairs and go up one floor, then continue to a small half stairway (there is an elevator located to the right of these stairs). The small staircase and elevator are shown on the map, above. This will lead you to the Atrium and the Chevron Rooms. The rooms are facing the Starbucks at the bottom of these stairs.
If you enter the Zachry Building from the West Entrance (from Spence Street), you arrive directly into the Atrium. This entrance is shown on the left of the map, above, and marked “Exits.”