On September 7-8, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TI-Tech) nuclear engineering faculty member Dr. Hiroshi Sagara, along with TI-Tech Ph.D. student Takeshi Aoki, visited the TEES Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute (NSSPI) to formalize plans to create a program that would allow Ph.D. students from TI-Tech complete a research internship with NSSPI as part of their degree requirements. Sagara held discussions with TEES, NSSPI, and the Department of Nuclear Engineering about signing a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of TI-Tech that should help facilitate this exchange.
This internship program is the latest in a series of ongoing interactions between NSSPI, the Texas A&M University Department of Nuclear Engineering, and TI-Tech. Every year, TI-Tech invites Texas A&M nuclear engineering students to attend a 2-week-long symposium in Japan focused on nuclear security, safety, and safeguards. In exchange, each fall a group of TI-Tech students come to Texas A&M to participate in a week-long security and incident response exercise at the Disaster City facility organized by NSSPI. These interactions offer students from both sides a unique opportunity to experience another culture while enhancing their knowledge of nuclear security, safety, and safeguards.