During the period of March 30 – April 7, Dr. Alexander Solodov travelled to Malaysia as part of a US Department of Energy (DOE) team to participate in a Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) Workshop. The training workshop was intended for representatives of Malaysian nuclear agencies and universities and was focused on the use of the handheld radiation detector identiFINDER for various applications including: search, location, and identification of radiological and nuclear materials; gamma spectroscopy; and nuclear safeguards features such as uranium enrichment measurements. The workshop was attended by 16 participants from the Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB), the Agency Nuclear Malaysia (ANM), and the National University of Malaysia (UKM). All participants were actively engaged in the training and were eager to learn how to use identiFINDER in their work. The training was concluded by presentations on various applications of the instruments by the participants of the workshop. All Malaysian representatives expressed interest in future similar workshops covering a variety of NDA related topics.