NSSPI Graduate
Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D., 2013
Email: [email protected]
Research Group: Combatting Nuclear Terrorism
NSSPI Publications:
- M.D. Grypp, C.M. Marianno, J.W. Poston, G.C. Hearn, "Design of a Spreader Bar Crane-Mounted Gamma Ray Radiation Detection System", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 743 (2014).
- G. Hearn, C.M. Marianno, S. Khatri, M. Grypp, "List Mode with the ORTEC digibase-E", Journal of Health Physics, 106 (2014).
- M. Grypp C.M. Marianno, "An Analysis of a Spreader Bar Crane Mounted Gamma Ray Radiation Detection System", 58th Annual Health Physics Society Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 10 July 2013.
- M. Grypp, "An Analysis of a Spreader Bar Crane Mounted Gamma-Ray Radiation Detection System", Ph.D. Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2013).
- D.M. Grypp and C.M. Marianno, "Gamma Radiation Detection from a Spreader Bar Crane at the Port of Tacoma", Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Sacramento, California, 22-26 July 2012.
- M. Grypp, "Gamma Radiation Detection from a Spreader Bar Crane at the Port of Tacoma", 2012 Meeting of the South Texas Chapter of the Health Physics Society, College Station, TX, 14 April 2012.