NSSPI Graduate
Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D., 2010
Research Group: Combatting Nuclear Terrorism
Short Bio:
NSSPI Publications:
- K.A. Miller W.S. Charlton, "An Inverse Source Location Algorithm for Radiation Portal Monitor Applications", 51st Annual Meeting for the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Baltimore, Maryland, July 11-15, 2010.
- K.A. Miller and W.S. Charlton, "An Inverse Method for Locating a Radioactive Source Using a Distributed Array of Detectors", Transactions of the 2010 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 13-17, 2010.
- K. A. Miller, "An Inverse Source Location Algorithm for Radiation Portal Monitor Applications", Ph.D. Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2010).
- K.A. Miller W.S. Charlton, "An Inverse Transport Approach to Radiation Source Location for Border Security", Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ESARDA, Aix-en-Provence, France, May 22-24, 2007.