NSSPI Graduate
Health Physics
M.S., 2013
Email: [email protected]
Research Group: Combatting Nuclear Terrorism
Short Bio:
NSSPI Publications:
- J.L. Rogers, C.M. Marianno, G. Kallenbach, J.F. Trevino , "Modeling Study of a Proposed Field Calibration Source Using K-40 And High-Z Targets for Sodium Iodide Detectors", Journal of Health Physics, 10, 6 (2016).
- J. Rogers, "Modeling Study of Proposed Field Calibration Source Using K-40 Source and High-Z Targets for Sodium Iodide Detector", M.S. Thesis, Health Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2012).
- J. Rogers, C.M. Marianno, G. Kallenbach, "Proposed Field Calibration Source for NaI(Tl) Detector Using K-40 and High-Z Targets", The 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Sacramento, CA, 22-26 July 2012.
- J. Rogers C.M. Marianno, "A Review of Neutron Detection Methods in the Age of the He-3 Shortage", 56th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, West Palm Beach, Florida, June 26-30, 2011.