Short Bio:
Jeehoon Moo is a Master’s student working with Dr. Sunil Chirayath on a project to investigate the impact and penetration on a reinforced concrete structure, which has been used widely in nuclear power plant facilities, by a TNT-shaped charged design using a numerical code. For the numerical code, ANSYS AUTODYN software is used, and this code will be able to use for analysis in engineering features and multi-physics events. Impact and dropping test with a low-velocity or a high-velocity, a large deformation by pressure, and explosion analysis can be examples. The project is done for nuclear security and nuclear nonproliferation purposes. A possible hole-size created on the reinforced concrete structure by TNT shaped charge design can be analyzed to determine whether a person can pass through the hole to damage the nuclear power facility further or steal special nuclear materials which can be used for making a nuclear weapon device. Before joining NSSPI, Moo received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Norwich University in Vermont in 2016. He received his Master’s of Science in nuclear engineering from Texas A&M in May of 2019.
NSSPI Publications:
- J.H. Moo, S.S. Chirayath, and S.G. Cho, "Physical Protection System Vulnerability Assessment of a Small Nuclear Research Reactor due to TNT-Shaped Charge Impact on its Reinforced Concrete Wall", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54,6 (2022).
- J.H. Moo, "Impact Investigation using ANSYS AUTODYN Code on a Reinforced Concrete Model due to TNT Shaped Charge for Nuclear Security Vulnerability Assessments", M.S. Thesis, Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2019).