Short Bio:
Henry Rysz is a graduate student working with Dr. Sunil Chirayath. Rysz’s master’s research is in uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of experimental data. He is using tools available in Python to study and perform uncertainty quantification on a measurement experiment performed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). The goal of this analysis is to identify the parameters that contribute the most to the uncertainty of the experiment’s result so that future experiments can be improved by targeting the most sensitive inputs. Rysz graduated with a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2016.
NSSPI Publications:
- M.M. Mendoza, A.A. Sagadevan, J.N. Wagner, S.S. Chirayath, E.D. Kitcher, H. Rysz, L. Anuar, A. Perry, A. Maldonado, M. Ramirez, D. Mulyana, A. Edwin, S. Martinson, "Advanced Reactor Safeguards Workshop at Texas A&M University", Poster. 60th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), Palm Desert, California, 14-18 July 2019.