NSSPI Graduate
Nuclear Engineering
M.S., 2009
Ph.D., 2013
Research Group: Safeguards Systems Analysis and Instrumentation
NSSPI Publications:
- B. Goddard, W.S. Charlton, and P. Peerani, "Quantitative NDA Measurements of Multi-Actinide Oxide Fuels", Nuclear Technology , 186, 3 (2014).
- C.M. Ryan , C.M. Marianno, W.S. Charlton, A.A. Solodov, J. Livesay, and B. Goddard, "Predicting Concrete Roadway Contribution to Gamma-ray Background in Radiation Portal Monitor Systems", Nuclear Technology, 186, 3 (2014).
- B. Goddard, W.S. Charlton, and P. Peerani, "First Principal Active Neutron Coincidence Counting Measurements of Uranium Oxide", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 739, 1 (2014).
- J. Miller, B. Goddard, P. Nelson, S. Paranjape, A. Littlefield, "Texas A&M University and India Academic Exchange Collaboration of Best Practices in Nuclear Security Education", INMM 54th Annual Meeting, 14-18 July 2013, Palm Desert, California, USA.
- B. Goddard S. Croft, "High-Fidelity Passive Neutron Multiplicity Measurements and Simulations of Uranium Oxide", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 712 (2013).
- B. Goddard, "Quantitative NDA Measurements of Advanced Reprocessing Product Materials Containing U, Np, Pu, and Am", Ph.D. Dissertation, Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2013).
- B. Goddard, W. Charlton, M. Swinhoe, Paolo Peerani, "Expanding the Capabilities of Neutron Multiplicity Measurements: Conclusions from a Four Year Project", Proceedings of the 35th ESARDA Annual Meeting, 27-30 May, 2013, Bruges, Belgium.
- B. Goddard, W. Charlton, C. Marianno, "Development of a Neutron Multiplicity Counting Experiment at Texas A&M University", American Nuclear Society 2013 Student Conference, 4-6 April 2013, Boston, Massachussetts.
- B. Goddard, W. Charlton, L. Evans, and P. Peerani, "An Analysis Technique for Active Neutron Multiplicity Measurements Based on First Principles", 53rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Orlando, Florida, 15-19 July 2012.
- B. Goddard, W. Charlton, C. Gariazzo, P. Peerani, "A Concept for Quantitative NDA Measurements of Advanced Reprocessing Product Materials", GLOBAL 2011, Makuhar, Japan, December 11-16, 2011.
- B. Goddard, W.S. Charlton, C. Gariazzo, P. Peerani, "A Concept for Quantitative NDA MOX Measurements Using Only Neutron Radiation", 52nd Annual Meeting of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), Palm Desert, CA, July 17-21, 2011.
- S. Chirayath, W. Charlton, A. Stafford, C. Myers, B. Goddard, J. Alfred, M. Carroll, M. Sternat, and E. Rauch, "Risk Informed Safeguards Integration Studies for a Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle", 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials and Management, Baltimore, MD, USA, July 11-15, 2010.
- Braden Goddard, William S. Charlton, Angela L. Lousteau, "Mass Verification Method for Actinide Mixtures Using a Multi Energy Spectrum Active Well Coincidence Counter", 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials and Management, Baltimore, MD, USA, July 11-15, 2010.
- S. Chirayath, W. Charlton, A. Stafford, C. Myers, B. Goddard, J. Alfred, M. Carroll, M. Sternat, E. Rauch, "Risk Informed Safeguards Approaches for Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Utilizing MAUA based Proliferation Resistance Assessment", NSSPI-10-002, January 15, 2010.
- B. Goddard, "Real-Time Detection of UREX+3a Extraction Streams for Materials Accountancy", M.S. Thesis, Texas A & M University, December 2009.
- B. Goddard, W.S. Charlton, S.M McDeavitt, "Real-Time Detection of UREX+3a Extraction Streams for Materials Accountancy", 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Tucson, AZ, July 12-15, 2009.