NSSPI Graduate
Nuclear Engineering
M.S., 2010
NSSPI Publications:
- A.S. Stafford, "Spent Nuclear Fuel Self-Induced XRF to Predict Pu to U Content", M.S. Thesis, Nuclear Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, August 2010.
- S. Chirayath, W. Charlton, A. Stafford, C. Myers, B. Goddard, J. Alfred, M. Carroll, M. Sternat, and E. Rauch, "Risk Informed Safeguards Integration Studies for a Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle", 51st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials and Management, Baltimore, MD, USA, July 11-15, 2010.
- A.S. Stafford, W.S. Charlton, C.R. Freeman, "Exploration of X-Ray Fluorescence Spent Nuclear Fuel Source Term", 2010 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Baltimore, MD, July 11-15, 2010.
- S. Chirayath, W. Charlton, A. Stafford, C. Myers, B. Goddard, J. Alfred, M. Carroll, M. Sternat, E. Rauch, "Risk Informed Safeguards Approaches for Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Utilizing MAUA based Proliferation Resistance Assessment", NSSPI-10-002, January 15, 2010.
- A. Stafford, W, S. Charlton, J. White, A. Hoover, S. Saavedra, "Spent Nuclear Fuel Self-Induced X-ray Fluorescence Simulations for North Anna and TMI", 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Tucson, AZ, July 12-15, 2009.
- A. Rajasingam, A.S. Hoover, M.L. Fensin, S.J. Tobin, W.S. Charlton, S. Saavedra, A.A. Stafford, D. Strohmeyer, M.T. Swinhoe, "Modeling X-ray Fluorescence from Spent Fuel Rods", 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Tucson, AZ, July 12-15, 2009.
- A. Hoover, W. S. Charlton, M.L. Fensin, A. Rajasingam, C. Rudy, S. Saavedra, A. Stafford, D. Strohmeyer, S. Tobin, "Measurement of Plutonium in Spent Nuclear Fuel by Self-Induced X-ray Fluorescence", 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Tucson, AZ, July 12-15, 2009.
- W.S. Charlton, D. Strohmeyer, A. Stafford, S. Saavedra, A.S. Hoover, C. Rudy, "The Use of Self-Induced XRF to Quantify the Pu Content in PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel", Proceedings of 31st Annual Meeting of ESARDA, May 26-28, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania.