Innocent Tsorxe will be receiving his M.S. degree in nuclear engineering from Texas A&M University in May. He worked with Dr. Craig Marianno on a project to measure background radiation levels at the TEEX Disaster City facility. These measurements will be used as part of the preparation for field exercises at the site involving short-lived radiological contamination.
Tsorxe earned a B.S. in Radiation Technology/Health Physics from Alcorn State University in Mississippi in 2014. While pursuing his graduate degree, Tsorxe worked an Assistant Health Physicist at the Texas A&M University’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Office. He also traveled to Cambridge, Massachusetts to participate in a consequence management training workshop hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He credits his experience with NSSPI for developing his understanding of how “health physicists can use their current, typical role to contribute in nuclear security issues.”
Tsorxe successfully defended his thesis in January and has joined Duke University and Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC as a health physicist.