Mr. Hiroshi Tamai, a principal researcher from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Policy Research Office of the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN), visited NSSPI on February 29th to discuss nuclear security curriculum development with NSSPI faculty and prepare a mission report for submission to the Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA). In line with the JAEA’s missions related to the establishment of a nuclear forensics framework in Japan, the focus of the discussions was nuclear forensics education, research, and development, and, more specifically, the response system for nuclear forensics, the form of a national nuclear forensics library, and techniques for nuclear forensics. He also visited the NSSPI nuclear security and nuclear forensics laboratories.
As part of his visit, Tamai gave a presentation titled “Activities towards Building-up of National Nuclear Forensics Library in Japan.”
The ISCN was established following the first Nuclear Security Summit in 2010 as a regional support center for strengthening nuclear security for Asia as an initiative to prevent nuclear terrorism.