Dr. Man-Sung Yim has been named the new director of the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives (NSSPI). Dr. Yim was most recently a professor in the Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering and the founding director of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Education and Research Center (NEREC) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), which trained over 330 next-generation leaders in nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear policy from ~60 countries during his tenure. Prior to joining KAIST, he served on the nuclear engineering faculty at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He was also a joint faculty between Oak Ridge National Lab (Global Nuclear Security Technology Division) and NCSU, a Sam Nunn International Security Fellow at Georgia Tech, a member of the North Carolina Science Advisory Board on Air Toxics Emissions, and a member of the Nuclear Nonproliferation External Steering Committee of Idaho National Laboratory. Dr. Yim is a graduate of Seoul National University (Nuclear Engineering, BS/MS), the University of Cincinnati (Nuclear Engineering, PhD), and Harvard University (Environmental Health Science, SM/ScD).
Dr. Yim’s work aims at the safe and responsible use of nuclear technology with research activities covering nuclear nonproliferation/security, nuclear waste management, nuclear safety, and nuclear energy policy. He is currently a Senior Member of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, a member of the Scientific Program Committee of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), the Council of Advisors on Nuclear Education, Science, Technology and Policy of the OECD/NEA, the International Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee of Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, and the Korean National Academy of Engineering. He is an associate editor (Asia) of Nuclear Technology for the American Nuclear Society, a member of the editorial advisory board of Progress in Nuclear Energy and the International Journal of Nuclear Security, and an editor at the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament.
See the story about Dr. Yim’s arrival at Texas A&M published by the Department of Nuclear Engineering.