C.M. Marianno, W.S. Charlton, K. Unlu, R.C. Lanza, “Designing the Global Threat Reduction Initiative’s Nuclear Security Education Program”, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), Palm Desert, CA, July 17-21, 2011.
As part of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) works to prevent the acquisition of illicit radioactive material for use in weapons of mass destruction and other acts of terrorism. This organization has recognized there is a need for nuclear security curricula at universities in the United States. Building on the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), GTRI is working to establish a nuclear security curriculum at Texas A&M University (TAMU), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Pennsylvania State University (PSU). These universities are collaborating to develop courses that study both policy and technical challenges in nuclear security. A set of five courses are currently under development with each school organizing one or two courses: Threat Analysis and Assessment, Detector and Source Technologies, Applications of Detectors/Sensors/Sources for Radiation Detection and Measurements, Global Nuclear Security Policies, Design and Analysis of Security Systems for Nuclear and Radiological Facilities. Once a course is fully developed at each school, all materials will be shared among the universities. At the conclusion of this project it is envisioned that each school will have a self-sustaining program in nuclear security. This talk will discuss the work currently being completed to establish these courses and how they will be implemented at each school.