NSSPI Director Dr. William Charlton was named Advisor of the Year by Texas A&M University’s Department of Student Activities. Charlton advises the university’s student chapter of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM).
It was through Charlton’s initiative that the first student chapter of the organization was established. Since then, and from the inspirations of the A&M chapter, six other student chapters across the United States have been formed.
“There is not enough that we can say about Dr. Charlton and his role as advisor,” said INMM member James Miller. “He has taken his passion for nonproliferation and safeguards and invigorated a generation of new professionals.”
INMM hosted its first professional workshop on proliferation assessment tools in February of this year. More than 65 participants from countries across the globe participated in the event. Chapter members credit Charlton”s leadership and guidance in preparation of the workshop as a key to its success.
“The amount of time, often done past regular work hours, illustrated his significant dedication and commitment to the success of the workshop,” said Adrienne LaFleur, INMM President.
The INMM is an international organization that is dedicated to improving the management of nuclear related materials. The INMM student chapter provides support for those engaged in nuclear materials management and safeguards through meetings and professional contacts.
Charlton will be formally recognized at the Division of Student Affairs Awards Ceremony May 5, 2010.