Short Bio:
Benjamin S. Wellons graduated with a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering from Texas A&M University in summer of 2022. He received his B.Sc. in Applied Physics from Coastal Carolina University in 2020. As a NSSPI student, he worked with Dr. Shikha Prasad on modeling a detection environment for the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center at LANL, and his thesis work involved the development of an autonomous detection method for advanced reactors. Upon graduation, Wellons joined the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M and is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Physics.
NSSPI Publications:
- B. Wellons, R. Kumaran, S. Lee, S. Prasad, "Development of a signal processing software for scintillation detectors and implementation on an FPGA for fast sensing", Nuclear Technology, Published online: 16 Sep 2022.
- B. Wellons, "Development of RadSigPro - An Open Source Code for Fast and Real Time Radiation Detection", M.S. Thesis, Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2022).
- P. Maedgen, B. Wellons, S. Prasad, and J. Tao, "Automating pulse shape discrimination in organic scintillation detectors by understanding underlying data structure", Nuclear Technology (2022).
- R. Kumaran, B. Wellons, and S. Prasad, "High speed computation using an FPGA with neutron-gamma scintillation detectors", Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 125 (2021) 292-295. doi: doi.org/10.13182/T125-36646.