Short Bio:
Timothy Jacomb-Hood graduated with his Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering from Texas A&M University in December 2020. He also earned graduate certificates in Nuclear Security and Advanced International Affairs. Upon completion of his coursework, Jacomb-Hood moved to Richland, WA, where he completed his graduate research at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. While there, he worked on in-field gamma radiation imaging for triage of high activity nuclear forensic samples collected in a post-detonation environment. Jacomb-Hood was a part of NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program class of 2019 and supported the Office of Material Disposition at the Savannah River Site where he focused on Material Control and Accountability, Safety Basis, and regulatory requirements. His masters research was funded by the South Carolina Research and Education Foundation’s Nuclear Forensic Graduate Fellowship. While at Texas A&M, Jacomb-Hood was a teaching assistant for the Radiation Detection and Nuclear Material Measurement class and traveled to England as a part of the International Nuclear Facilities Experience, sponsored by the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. He was elected to both Secretary and then Vice-President of the Texas A&M student chapter of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM). He also served on the organizing and planning committee for the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Safeguards Culture Workshop that Texas A&M hosted in 2016.
NSSPI Publications:
- T. Jacomb-Hood, "Spatially-Resolved HPGE Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for Nuclear Forensics", M.S. Thesis, Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2020).
- T.W Jacomb-Hood, C. M. Marianno, B. A. Van Devender, J. E. Fast, "Ultra-high Rate Gamma Spectroscopy for Post-detonation Nuclear Forensics", National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center Annual Academic-Laboratory Collaboration and Technical Advancement Program Review. Los Alamos, NM. August 1st-4th, 2016.
- T. Jacomb-Hood, L. Scott, M. Shah, K. Ford, S. Horowitz, M. Subbaiah, C. Gariazzo, S. Chirayath, D. Kovacic, S. Mladineo, M. Schanfein, M. Koskelo, "The Safeguards and Organizational Culture Workshop", 57th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), Atlanta, Georgia, 24-28 July 2016.
- C. Marianno, J.T. Falkner, T. Jacomb-Hood, J. Trevino, L. Dromgoole, M. Shah, M. Boyd, G. Emory, D. Murchison, "Mobile Radiation Detection Security Sweeps as Teaching Tool", 61st Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society (HPS), Spokane, Washington, 17-21 July 2016.
- T.W. Jacomb-Hood, C.M. Marianno, J.E. Fast, B.A. Van Devender, "An Overview of the Ultra-high Rate Germanium Detector", 2016 South Texas Chapter of the Health Physics Society (STC-HPS) Student Presentation and Annual Business Meeting, Bryan, Texas, 16 April 2016.
- Robert M. Zedric, Scott L. Stewart, Blake A. Palles, Timothy W. Jacomb-Hood, Stephen B. Gerlt, David A. Vermillion, Corey Keith, Marlene Bencomo., "Top Things to Know About Special Nuclear Material", INMM 56th Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, California, 12-16 July 2015.
- T.W. Jacomb-Hood, "Presenting Radioisotope Identi cation Detectors (RIIDs) for Threat Detection to Non-technical Professionals", American Nuclear Society Student Conference 2014, State College, PA, 5 April 2014.