The Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) Applications for International Safeguards Short Course at Oak Ridge National Lab was held November 16-20, 2009. Students from NUEN 605 (Radiation Detection and Nuclear Materials Measurements) and NUEN 650 (Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control) learned about applied nondestructive assay measurement techniques in nuclear material safeguards, discussed nonproliferation issues with NSSPI and ORNL staff, and gained first-hand experience in measuring special nuclear material using state-of-the-art technologies. This was the first course to incorporate both nuclear engineering students and international affairs students from the Bush School of Government Affairs and Public Policy. The dialogue between students added to the experience at ORNL when discussing applications of such safeguards measurement techniques. Furthermore, all students visited unique ORNL facilities such as the Spallation Neutron Source and the X-10 Graphite Reactor, as well as visiting Canberra’s high-purity germanium crystal growing facility and ORTEC-AMETEK’s main manufacturing facility and germanium crystal growing facility.